Testimonials & Case Studies

From burnout to selflove, confidence & community – Rebecca’s story

 Just prior to the first lockdown, I handed in my notice as a teaching assistant. I was finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a daytime job and be a parent carer 24/7 for my son who has significant additional needs. I was going from burnout to burnout, struggling with anxiety and depression and not really enjoying life in-between. I was always putting other people’s needs first and forgetting about myself. Priortising my mental health was now key.

 I first discovered Lakeland Wellbeing on Instagram during lockdown and loved how Jen embraced connection with nature in her work.  I decided that I wanted to explore how nature could help me heal and grow.  I attended a Forest bathing session in Whinlatter and it was the first time in over a decade that I’d given myself permission to take time out for myself – to make space for me and to focus on allowing my mind to quiet.

This first session with Jen was a catalyst in exploring holistic practices, living a more gentle life and gave me the encouragement to look after myself and value my own well-being.  I felt much more positive that I could move forward in looking after myself and shoulder the responsibilities of looking after others as needed.

 I then experienced a one-to-one Wellness day with Jen. I was interested in exploring Reiki as a treatment and in addressing thought patterns that were unhelpful to me and a part of my anxiety and depression. 

Jen has a confident yet soft approach to her coaching and treatments; I felt safe at all times and I felt I was in expert hands. She took the time to get to know me, to explore what I was wanting to achieve and guided me to the best options to take me forward. I felt listened to, understood and valued.

 Jen is not only a coach and practitioner, she is also a teacher and I have done both my Reiki one and Reiki 2 training with her. 

The courses are such a beautiful and empowering learning experience because Jen creates a nurturing atmosphere that allows for self-growth whilst giving insightful instruction, encouragement and support.

 Working with Jen has created a ripple effect in my life which will continue going forward…the impact of the work I have done with and for her are a huge part of my path towards self-love. I now have a “can do” attitude instead of a “what will they think?” mindset and feel more confident to show up as my authentic self and I cannot express enough what a difference that has made.

The more time I have spent with Jen the more I realise that she is someone that I want in my life going forward and her thoughtful ambition is an inspiration. As women, we are often pitted against one another; taught that we need to compete; need to have that one-upmanship; we need to act in a more masculine way to be successful.  Jen dispels all these myths and shines a light on the beautiful strength that is the feminine energy. 

Jen successfully and compassionately holds space for women to embrace the best versions of themselves; she encourages us to come together to be heard, acknowledged, valued, and empowered without judgement. Because of this, what has evolved is a community of like-minded women who are there to support and lift each other up; to celebrate success and cheer each other on whilst staying true to who they are as individuals and when women come together in this way, magic happens!

The Power of Women – Sarah’s story

I started doing Jen full moon womens circles nearly 3 years ago and when I started doing the circles I was in quite a bad place I’d come out of a really stressful job that I’d had for 20 years. 


The previous year I’d had tests done at hospital to assess my hormones in relation to peri-menopause and to see if there was anything wrong with my womb, my periods were all over the place and I was having extremely heavy bleeds and hot flushes etc. 


I left my stressful job and went to a period of healing myself before starting Jens women’s full moon circles in the summer, what happened then was absolutely magical – my biology came back online my periods became more regular than they’ve ever been in my life…. I began to regulate on a 28 day cycle in line with the full moon so I knew when I was going to have my period because I would start around the time of the full moon and my periods were no longer painful and they were no longer heavy. As a 42 year old woman they were the best periods I’d ever had in my life so I’m very grateful for this. 


Working with the moon and having Jen mentor and guide me through this process of becoming cyclical in nature, feeling into the seasons and working with the elements has revolutionised and changed my life in every way; not just biologically with my cycles and my health and well-being but also I have used the monthly full moon to guide my new business. 


Every step of the way has been guided through monthly moon reflection, releasing anything that is holding me back and really focusing my intentions and next steps. Moving forward and growing in the right direction feeling into what’s needed next. The power and the beauty of working with the moon is that it’s regular small steps every month. 


Time to reflect sitting amongst the trees with a beautiful group of women is empowering – it feels so natural and it takes away the stress and and the burden of overthinking, it allows nature to guide us. I’ve been very successful in my new business startup working in this way. I would recommend it for anybody who is starting out on a new venture either personally or in business. 


To summarise working with Jen in her full moon women’s circles, having Jen mentor me professionally and personally has been amazing, she has really opened my eyes to a new way of living and allowed me to connect with nature in a way that I previously wasn’t. I can’t recommend Jen enough in all her capacities with all her modalities that she uses – but for me the moon circle has absolutely revolutionised my life and I would never look back from working with the moon she is my partner – she’s my business partner and my personal best friend I love the moon and I’m eternally grateful to Jen.

Looking up from moon bathing to stars above the trees

The Power of Women – Faye’s story

My first experience of Jen’s work was when I signed up to one of her moon circles. What struck me most was, not only her passion for what she practices, but more so how she communicates this with absolute love and acceptance. She is so inclusive of everyone at her circles, no matter what views or background they may have, and even when people are apprehensive or unconvinced, Jen will always only share what she believes with an unwavering enthusiasm and gentleness. 


The sisterhood that has been created through the space Jen holds is deep and lasting. From my first circle, not knowing anyone – Jen included! – I felt at ease and safe in the session. No one is expected to share or participate in anything they do not feel comfortable with, though how everything is presented with such love there is always happy participation.


On a personal note, I was very distrusting of women and group situations in general. And through past trauma had real difficulty sharing or even accepting my authentic self. Through the work I have done with Jen I have become a new person in the space of 36 months, have made true and lasting female friendships, walked on fire, broken arrows with my neck, howled at the moon, cried, laughed, ate a lot of cake and above all, felt safe and appreciated for my warts and all self. I am now seeing how I have things to offer and that when women gather in circle magic happens.


Thank you Jen 🖤

Want to know more about me?

Listen to Extraordinary Ordinary You Podcast to find out more about me and what makes me tick
Did you know Kate Middleton and Justin Bieber enjoy Forest Bathing?

"By Discovering Nature You Discover Yourself"

Maxime Legace





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