


Mindfulness is often seen as a modern-day buzz word – but it really works! In this hectic world we live in, we are sometimes so busy and distracted that we don’t take time to stop and connect with ourselves.

By allowing ourselves to be in the present moment, knowing what is happening as it is happening, we are able to disengage from the pressures of life, and just be.

Forest Bathing

Imagine walking slowly through the quiet forest, your feet lightly compressing the soft moss on the ground, breathing in the fresh clean air, feeling the breeze and the delicate brush of leaves against your skin as you move gently through the trees…

Research shows that just being in nature for just 2 hours per week can have a significant benefit to our health.

EFT & Kinetic Shift

Do you ever feel like things are holding you back in life? Beliefs such as ‘I’m not good enough’ or ‘I can’t speak out’?

EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and Kinetic Shift are powerful techniques that can shift you from a place of resistance or fear to a new state of freedom and empowerment.


Reiki is a gentle complementary therapy that helps to relax the body and calm the mind. As well as promoting deep relaxation, it can reduce stress and anxiety, and boost the immune system. Reiki can help alleviate physical symptoms including pain and can aid deep and restful sleep.


Reflexology is more than just a foot massage. By applying pressure to different areas of the feet which mirror the organs and parts of the body, we promote deep relaxation and stimulate the body to heal. Reflexology can boost energy levels, reduce stress and anxiety, reduce stiffness and pain, eliminate toxins and promote restful sleep.

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