Fire walking – how it changed my life

Fire walking to heal the witch wound

 I’ve had some adventures in my life, but Firewalking is the most empowering thing I have ever done!

The first time I tried fire walking I was terrified! Always one for a challenge I was keen to give it a go but seriously, how could I walk over 600 degree coals without being burned? It seemed impossible.

But a lot of things in my life seemed impossible at that time. I was keen to make some changes and overcome barriers that were holding me back from following my dreams and achieving my potential.

Much of this was about a fear of putting myself out there, a fear of being ‘too much’. That shining too brightly and speaking my truth didn’t feel safe.

Standing at the edge of the coal bed was a pivotal moment.

I could say yes or no.

I chose to say yes.

Taking a deep breath, feeling into what it was I wanted to create in my life, I stepped onto the glowing embers and walked. And then I walked again and again – fire walking becomes a bit addictive.

Suddenly all those things that had been standing in my way, weren’t a problem anymore. I felt confident & empowered. Stepping up as myself and speaking my truth felt safe and more than that, I wanted to do it. My posture changed and I even began to walk differently with more confidence and poise. I began to truly shine my light and it felt safe and fun to be me!

What firewalking can bring you

When we shift our own energy we shift the energy we attract. Suddenly I was getting offers to speak about my work, to hold training days and workshops. The fire had helped me to make some huge transformations in my life both energetically and practically.

And it is not only me, there are countless accounts of how people have overcome their limiting beliefs and stepped into a new phase of their lives after walking on fire.

“What a transformational experience! Fire walking facilitated by Jen and Jim in the most perfect of settings in Fell Foot Woods Windermere.Never in a million years did I think that IWould have the Trust and the confidence to do this but with Jens guidance,thorough preparation, energy and motivational approach She made it possible and I did it! I walked across the hot glowing embers not just once but 4 times! Just goes to show that the trust that you place in yourself is enough to break down any barriers. I highly recommend this amazing experience. Thankyou ❤️ “

Firewalking workshops

Practiced in cultures across the globe for thousands of years this ancient tradition is used for healing and transformation. The fire can be our greatest teacher and deserves the utmost respect. My workshops support you to raise your energy to meet that of the fire allowing you to cross the coals with confidence and conviction. Empowering you to take control of your own life and follow your dreams and goals.

I was very lucky to train as a fire walking instructor and empowerment coach with Peggy Dylan, originator of the contemporary fire walking moment and the woman who bought fire walking to the West, at the Sundoor International Fire Walking School.

Let me guide you to achieve your true potential as the beautiful soul you are.

You can join me on one of my public fire walking events or book me for your own fire walk for corporate groups and charity events.


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