Beltane Blessings!

It’s finally here! Beltane is my favourite festival of the year. I can’t tell you how excited I am (although if you’ve met me in person or seen me online, you can probably guess! ) Today (May Day) is traditional Beltane – the Celtic fire festival celebrating the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice. Astrological Beltane […]
Fire walking – how it changed my life

I’ve had some adventures in my life, but Fire Walking is the most empowering thing I have ever done! The first time I tried fire walking I was terrified! Always one for a challenge I was keen to give it a go but seriously, how could I walk over 600 degree coals without being burned? It […]
What is the witch wound and how can we heal it?

Do you ever find yourself playing small, keeping your head down and staying quiet even though you know you have something to share and something to say? Are you fearful of speaking your truth? Do you feel as though you have healing qualities but lack the confidence to step into them? If any of this […]
Moon bathing – what is it and why is it good for you?

Did you know that moon bathing is a ‘thing’? Well, Kate Moss does it, so it must be! I have been moon bathing pretty much all of my life, but what is it…? Very simply it’s exposing as much of you as possible to the light of the moon. There is something truly delicious about the […]
Mindfulness with Animals

Love animals? Hear what Country & Town House magazine have to say about our Rest~Restore~Rewild retreat at Armathwaite Hall & The Lake District Wildlife Park. Interested..? You can book here (scroll down the page)
Moon Magic – Living by the Moon & Full Moon Women’s Circles

I wonder if you feel the energy of the full moon as she rises? I have always had a strong connection with the moon, needing to know where she was in her cycle, feeling the pull of the full moon energy which drew me outside, often barefoot, in the middle of the night. Over the […]
So, what is forest bathing, and why is it good for us?

If I had a pound for every time I was asked “Do I need to bring my swimming costume?” for forest bathing in the Lake District, I’d be a rich woman! It sounds a bit peculiar doesn’t it, to bathe in a forest and perhaps implies some state of undress, however I can assure you […]
Why is self-care so important?

I read an article in a popular newspaper recently that said we are all so exhausted (referring to the situation over these last few years) that we need another word for it! But how do we deal with exhaustion? The pressure we have from the constant negative bombardment of the media, the pressure of work […]